Belize Virtual Center Ltd

Your Office in Paradise!

Imagine outsourcing your to-do list to the right partner.

Imagine outsourcing your to-do list to the right partner.

As businesses look to scale or expand through outsourcing, it is critical to choose an outsourcing partner that helps to yield the best dividends possible. It is important that you consider a number of factors before making a final decision. Factors that, if overlooked, can result in failures, time loss and additional costs.

Focus on the following best practices that can help you to find the right outsourcing partner:

Ask for references

A reliable outsourcing partner should be able to quickly provide you with at least two or three references. Talking to people who have already worked with that outsourcing company is a great way to have an idea of the pros and cons of working with that potential partner.

By doing this, you will be reassured that that what you heard on sales call is actually a good indication of what you should expect from working with them.

Employee Retention

Don’t be afraid to ask for detailed information. A low retention rate could mean employees are underpaid or there is a bad culture at the company, which will ultimately impact your customers. This also means there will likely be turnover on your team which will also impact the quality of service your customers receive.

Recruiting Strategies

Ask about their recruiting strategies, you might end up learning a lot about what it will be like to work with them. Here are some things to keep in mind:

  • The profile of typical hires
  • Employees years of experience at different levels
  • Educational background
  • Language skills of candidates
  • Time frame to bring on new team members
  • Strategy for matching candidates for your specific needs
  • Training offers
  • Type of evaluations used

An outsourcing center’s ability to hire great talent is one of the main reasons to partner with them so pay keen attention to this.

Meet the Team

If you area about to signing a deal, don’t forget to meet the management team and frontline employees that you will be working with. Getting to know the people you’ll be meeting with on a weekly or monthly basis for reporting, performance and training purposes is highly important to avoid any mismatching headaches down the road.

Personalized Experience for your brand

Make sure that the outsourcing company makes an effort to match their employees to customers based on product knowledge and interest. The ideal match is a company that engages in research on your product and their employees, this will go a long way in terms of quality of service.

If you are ready to boost your business growth, Belize Virtual Center is ready to answer all your questions, contact one of our agents today.